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Купить книгу Хакинг. Искусство эксплойта., автора Джона Эриксона
Хакинг. Искусство эксплойта.
Каждый программист по сути своей – хакер. Ведь первоначально хакингом называли поиск искусного и неочевидного решения. Понимание принципов программирования помогает находить уязвимости, а навыки обнаружения уязвимостей помогают создавать программы, поэтому многие хакеры занимаются тем и другим одновременно. Интересные нестандартные ходы есть как в техниках написания элегантных программ, так и в техниках поиска слабых мест.
Купить книгу MySQL по максимуму, автора Бэрон Шварц
MySQL по максимуму
Хотите выжать из MySQL максимум возможностей?
Купить книгу С++17 STL. Стандартная библиотека шаблонов, автора
С++17 STL. Стандартная библиотека шаблонов
С++ – объектно-ориентированный язык программирования, без которого сегодня немыслима промышленная разработка ПО. В этой замечательной книге описана работа с контейнерами, алгоритмами, вспомогательными классами, лямбда-выражениями и другими интересными инструментами, которыми богат современный С++. Освоив материал, вы сможете коренным образом пересмотреть привычный подход к программированию. Преимущество издания – в подробном описании стандартной библиотеки шаблонов С++, STL. Ее свежая версия была выпущена в 2017 году. В книге вы найдете более 90 максимально реалистичных примеров, которые демонстрируют всю мощь STL. Многие из них станут базовыми кирпичиками для решения более универсальных задач. Вооружившись этой книгой, вы сможете эффективно использовать С++17 для создания высококачественного и высокопроизводительного ПО, применимого в различных отраслях.
Купить книгу Теоретический минимум по Computer Science. Все что нужно программисту и разработчику, автора
Теоретический минимум по Computer Science. Все что нужно программисту и разработчику
Хватит тратить время на скучные академические фолианты! Изучение Computer Science может быть веселым и увлекательным занятием.
Купить книгу Unity для разработчика. Мобильные мультиплатформенные игры, автора
Unity для разработчика. Мобильные мультиплатформенные игры
Добро пожаловать в мир Unity! Создавайте игры, работающие на любых мобильных устройствах, телефонах и планшетах.
Купить книгу UNIX. Профессиональное программирование, автора
UNIX. Профессиональное программирование
Эта книга заслуженно пользуется популярностью у серьезных программистов во всем мире, поскольку содержит самую важную и практическую информацию об управлении ядрами UNIX и Linux. Без этих знаний невозможно написать эффективный и надежный код.
Купить книгу Metaheuristics for Intelligent Electrical Networks, автора
Metaheuristics for Intelligent Electrical Networks
Intelligence is defined by the ability to optimize, manage and reconcile the currents of physical, economic and even social flows. The strong constraint of immediacy proves to be an opportunity to imagine, propose and deliver solutions on the common basis of optimization techniques. Metaheuristics for Intelligent Electrical Networks analyzes the use of metaheuristics through independent applications but united by the same methodology.
Купить книгу Fault-Tolerance Techniques for Spacecraft Control Computers, автора Mengfei  Yang
Fault-Tolerance Techniques for Spacecraft Control Computers
Comprehensive coverage of all aspects of space application oriented fault tolerance techniques • Experienced expert author working on fault tolerance for Chinese space program for almost three decades • Initiatively provides a systematic texts for the cutting-edge fault tolerance techniques in spacecraft control computer, with emphasis on practical engineering knowledge • Presents fundamental and advanced theories and technologies in a logical and easy-to-understand manner • Beneficial to readers inside and outside the area of space applications
Купить книгу Metaheuristics for Air Traffic Management, автора Nicolas  Durand
Metaheuristics for Air Traffic Management
Air Traffic Management involves many different services such as Airspace Management, Air Traffic Flow Management and Air Traffic Control. Many optimization problems arise from these topics and they generally involve different kinds of variables, constraints, uncertainties. Metaheuristics are often good candidates to solve these problems. The book models various complex Air Traffic Management problems such as airport taxiing, departure slot allocation, en route conflict resolution, airspace and route design. The authors detail the operational context and state of art for each problem. They introduce different approaches using metaheuristics to solve these problems and when possible, compare their performances to existing approaches
Купить книгу Computer Vision in Vehicle Technology. Land, Sea, and Air, автора
Computer Vision in Vehicle Technology. Land, Sea, and Air
A unified view of the use of computer vision technology for different types of vehicles Computer Vision in Vehicle Technology focuses on computer vision as on-board technology, bringing together fields of research where computer vision is progressively penetrating: the automotive sector, unmanned aerial and underwater vehicles. It also serves as a reference for researchers of current developments and challenges in areas of the application of computer vision, involving vehicles such as advanced driver assistance (pedestrian detection, lane departure warning, traffic sign recognition), autonomous driving and robot navigation (with visual simultaneous localization and mapping) or unmanned aerial vehicles (obstacle avoidance, landscape classification and mapping, fire risk assessment). The overall role of computer vision for the navigation of different vehicles, as well as technology to address on-board applications, is analysed. Key features: Presents the latest advances in the field of computer vision and vehicle technologies in a highly informative and understandable way, including the basic mathematics for each problem. Provides a comprehensive summary of the state of the art computer vision techniques in vehicles from the navigation and the addressable applications points of view. Offers a detailed description of the open challenges and business opportunities for the immediate future in the field of vision based vehicle technologies. This is essential reading for computer vision researchers, as well as engineers working in vehicle technologies, and students of computer vision.
Купить книгу Enterprise Interoperability. Research and Applications in Service-oriented Ecosystem (Proceedings of the 5th International IFIP Working Conference IWIE 2013), автора
Enterprise Interoperability. Research and Applications in Service-oriented Ecosystem (Proceedings of the 5th International IFIP Working Conference IWIE 2013)
In a fast changing global economy governed by Enterprise Services and the Future Internet, enterprises and virtual factories will self-organize in distributed, interoperable, innovation Ecosystems where the issues of Enterprise Interoperability need to be solved in a multi-view of information, services and processes throughout Enterprise Networks. The book constitutes the proceedings of five workshops co- located with the Fifth IFIP Working Conference IWEI 2013. It contains the presented peer reviewed papers and summaries of the workshop discussions. Complementing the IWEI Conference program, the workshops aimed at exploiting new issues, challenges and solutions for Enterprise Interoperability and Manufacturing Eco Systems. The scope of the workshops spanned over a range of interoperability issues in Service Science and innovation, Model Driven Service Engineering Architectures, Service Modelling Languages, reference ontology for manufacturing , Case studies and tools particularly for SMEs, Business – IT alignment and related Standardization. Contents 1 – Model Driven Services Engineering Architecture (MDSEA): A Result of MSEE Project An Architecture for Service Modelling in Servitization Context: MDSEA, Y. Ducq. A Set of Templates for MDSEA, D. Chen. 2 – Interoperability to Support Business–IT Alignment Report Workshop 2, I.-S. Fan, V. Taratoukhine, M. Matzner. Interoperability as a Catalyst for Business Innovation, J.H.P. Eloff, M.M. Eloff, M.T. Dlamini, E. Ngassam, D. Ras. Process-Oriented Business Modeling – An Application in the Printing Industry, A. Malsbender, K. Ortbach, R. Plattfaut, M. Voigt, B. Niehaves. A Comparative Study of Modelling Methodologies Using a Concept of Process Consistency, E. Babkin, E. Potapova, Y. Zelenova. Maintenance Support throughout the Life-Cycle of High Value Manufacturing Products. Interoperability Issues, A. Fedotova, V. Taratoukhine, Y. Kupriyanov. Using Enterprise Architecture to Align Business Intelligence Initiatives, I.-S. Fan, S. Warner. Towards Enterprise Architecture Using Solution Architecture Models, V. Agievich, R. Gimranov, V. Taratoukhine, J. Becker. 3 – Standardisation for Interoperability in the Service-Oriented Enterprise Report Workshop 3, M. Zelm, D. Chen. Standardisation in Manufacturing Service Engineering, M. Zelm, G. Doumeingts. Service Modelling Language and Potentials for a New Standard, D. Chen. An Approach to Standardise a Service Life Cycle Management, M. Freitag, D. Kremer, M. Hirsch, M. Zelm. Open Business Model, Process and Service Innovation with VDML and ServiceML, A. J. Berre, H. De Man, Y. Lew, B. Elvesæter, B.M. Ursin-Holm. Reference Ontologies for Manufacturing, R. Young, N. Hastilow, M. Imran, N. Chungoora, Z. Usman, A.-F. Cutting-Decelle. Standardisation Tools for Negotiating Interoperability Solutions, T. Santos, C. Coutinho, A. Cretan, M. Beca, R. Jardim-Goncalves. 4 – Case Studies on Enterprise Interoperability: How IT Managers Profit from EI Research Report Workshop
Купить книгу Fundamentals of Complex Networks. Models, Structures and Dynamics, автора Xiaofan  Wang
Fundamentals of Complex Networks. Models, Structures and Dynamics
Complex networks such as the Internet, WWW, transportation networks, power grids, biological neural networks, and scientific cooperation networks of all kinds provide challenges for future technological development. • The first systematic presentation of dynamical evolving networks, with many up-to-date applications and homework projects to enhance study • The authors are all very active and well-known in the rapidly evolving field of complex networks • Complex networks are becoming an increasingly important area of research • Presented in a logical, constructive style, from basic through to complex, examining algorithms, through to construct networks and research challenges of the future